The Auditory System at the Cocktail Party
The Auditory System at the Cocktail Party is a rather whimsical title that points to the very serious challenge faced by listeners in most everyday environments: how to hear out sounds of interest amid a cacophony of competing sounds. The volume presents the mechanisms for bottom-up object formation and top-down object selection that the auditory system employs to meet that challenge.
Ear and Brain Mechanisms for Parsing the Auditory Scene by John C. Middlebrooks and Jonathan Z. Simon
Auditory Object Formation and Selection by Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Virginia Best, and Adrian K. C. Lee
Energetic Masking and Masking Release by John F. Culling and Michael A. Stone
Informational Masking in Speech Recognition by Gerald Kidd, Jr. and H. Steven Colburn
Modeling the Cocktail Party Problem by Mounya Elhilali
Spatial Stream Segregation byJohn C. Middlebrooks
Human Auditory Neuroscience and the Cocktail Party Problem by Jonathan Z. Simon
Infants and Children at the Cocktail Party by Lynne Werner
Older Adults at the Cocktail Party by M. Kathleen Pichora-Fuller, Claude Alain, and Bruce A. Schneider
Hearing with Cochlear Implants and Hearing Aids in Complex Auditory Scenes by Ruth Y. Litovsky, Matthew J. Goupell, Sara M. Misurelli, and Alan Kan
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