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Principles of Heat Transfer 8th Edition
کتاب اصول انتقال حرارت کریث ویرایش هشتم
اکنون می توانید اصول انتقال حرارت را با استفاده از کلاسیک که استاندارد پوشش و سازماندهی سایر متون انتقال حرارت را تعیین می کند، بیاموزید. پیرو توصیههای کمیته ASME در مورد آموزش انتقال حرارت، اصول انتقال حرارت Kreith/Manglik، 8E یک رویکرد مهندسی جامع را ارائه میکند که برای مطالعه شما در مورد انتقال حرارت ایدهآل است.
خرید کتاب زبان اصلی | کاغذ تحریر | سایز اصلی کتاب | چاپ رنگی | صحافی جلد سخت
۲,۰۷۰,۰۰۰ تومانقیمت اصلی ۲,۰۷۰,۰۰۰ تومان بود.۱,۶۲۰,۰۰۰ تومانقیمت فعلی ۱,۶۲۰,۰۰۰ تومان است.
نقد و بررسی اجمالیکتاب اصول انتقال حرارت کریث ویرایش هشتم
Principles of Heat Transfer 8th Edition
by Frank Kreith , Raj M. Manglik
Now you can learn the principles of heat transfer using the classic that sets the standard of coverage and organization for all other heat transfer texts. Following the recommendations of the ASME Committee on Heat Transfer Education, Kreith/Manglik’s PRINCIPLES OF HEAT TRANSFER, 8E provides a comprehensive engineering approach that is ideal for your study of heat transfer.
This relevant book recognizes that in today’s world, computational analysis is more critical than rote mathematical solutions to heat transfer problems. However, the authors also incorporate an effective analytic approach that offers a clear understanding of the physics involved and equips you with the tools for analyzing more complex problems. The book emphasizes applications to current engineering challenges in renewable energy, bioengineering, microelectronics, materials processing, and space exploration to arm you with the practical knowledge you need for success.
About the Author
Dr. Frank Kreith was Professor Emeritus in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Science from the University of Paris in 1965. Dr. Raj. M. Manglik is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
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