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Electricity and Magnetism 3rd Edition
کتاب الکتریسیته و مغناطیس پورسل و مورین ویرایش سوم
به مدت 50 سال، کتاب کلاسیک ادوارد ام پرسل دانش آموزان را با دنیای الکتریسیته و مغناطیس آشنا کرده است.نسخه سوم به روز شده است و اکنون در واحدهای SI موجود است.این شامل صدها مثال، مشکل و شکل جدید است و شامل بحث هایی درباره برنامه های کاربردی واقعی است
خرید کتاب زبان اصلی | کاغذ تحریر | سایز اصلی کتاب | چاپ سیاه و سفید | صحافی جلد سخت
۱,۱۶۰,۰۰۰ تومانقیمت اصلی ۱,۱۶۰,۰۰۰ تومان بود.۹۴۰,۰۰۰ تومانقیمت فعلی ۹۴۰,۰۰۰ تومان است.
نقد و بررسی اجمالیکتاب الکتریسیته و مغناطیس پورسل و مورین ویرایش سوم
Electricity and Magnetism3rd Edition
by Edward M. Purcell, David J. Morin
For 50 years, Edward M. Purcell’s classic textbook has introduced students to the world of electricity and magnetism. The third edition has been brought up to date and is now in SI units. It features hundreds of new examples, problems, and figures, and contains discussions of real-life applications.
The textbook covers all the standard introductory topics, such as electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves, and electric and magnetic fields in matter. Taking a nontraditional approach, magnetism is derived as a relativistic effect. Mathematical concepts are introduced in parallel with the physics topics at hand, making the motivations clear. Macroscopic phenomena are derived rigorously from the underlying microscopic physics.
With worked examples, hundreds of illustrations, and nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems and exercises, this textbook is ideal for electricity and magnetism courses. Solutions to the exercises are available for instructors at www.cambridge.org/Purcell-Morin.
Editorial Reviews
“Although the basic physics remains largely unchanged, the Purcell and Morin book has many clarifying discussions based on those experimental results, and most chapters end with current applications and a summary. Solutions to the problems represent roughly one-quarter of the text-they are a most welcome addition, particularly for self-study. (Purcell wrote out a solution manual by hand-mainly for instructors!-to accompany his first edition.) ”
H. Henry Stroke, New York University for Physics Today
Book Description
Introducing students to the world of electricity and magnetism, the third edition of this classic textbook has now been converted to SI units and features additional examples and problems. It covers all the standard introductory topics and contains hundreds of illustrations and nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems and exercises.
مشخصات کلیکتاب الکتریسیته و مغناطیس پورسل و مورین ویرایش سوم
کتاب چاپی
Cambridge University Press
David J. Morin, Edward M. Purcell
سال نشر
چاپ سیاه و سفید
صحافی جلد سخت
سایز کتاب
سایز وزیری (17 در 24 سانتی متر)
تعداد صفحات
نظرات کاربرانکتاب الکتریسیته و مغناطیس پورسل و مورین ویرایش سوم
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