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حساب کاربری


حداقل 8 کاراکتر

پشتیبان 99004600919



Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction

کتاب Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction

خرید کتاب زبان اصلی | کاغذ تحریر | سایز اصلی کتاب | چاپ سیاه و سفید | صحافی جلد نرم

بسیاری از اشکال ادراک و کنش را می توان از نظر ریاضی به عنوان استنتاج احتمالی یا بیزی مدلسازی کرد، روشی که برای نتیجه گیری از شواهد نامشخص استفاده می شود. بر اساس این مدل‌ها، ذهن انسان هنگام برخورد با داده‌های پر سر و صدا و مبهم مانند یک دانشمند داده یا محقق صحنه جرم رفتار می‌کند.

قیمت اصلی ۴۹۰,۰۰۰ تومان بود.قیمت فعلی ۳۸۰,۰۰۰ تومان است.

موجود در انبار
✅ قیمت منصفانه به نسبت کیفیت بالای محصولات
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✅ قیمت های به روز و عدم اتمام موجودی کتاب ها
نقد و بررسی اجمالیکتاب Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction

Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction

Many forms of perception and action can be mathematically modeled as probabilistic—or Bayesian—inference, a method used to draw conclusions from uncertain evidence. According to these models, the human mind behaves like a capable data scientist or crime scene investigator when dealing with noisy and ambiguous data. This textbook provides an approachable introduction to constructing and reasoning with probabilistic models of perceptual decision-making and action. Featuring extensive examples and illustrations, Bayesian Models of Perception and Action is the first textbook to teach this widely used computational framework to beginners.

  • Introduces Bayesian models of perception and action, which are central to cognitive science and neuroscience
  • Beginner-friendly pedagogy includes intuitive examples, daily life illustrations, and gradual progression of complex concepts
  • Broad appeal for students across psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, and mathematics
  • Written by leaders in the field of computational approaches to mind and brain

About the Author

Wei Ji Ma is Professor of Neural Science and Psychology at New York University, founder of the Growing up in Science series, and a founding member of the Scientist Action and Advocacy Network. Konrad Paul Kording is Professor of Bioengineering and Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, cofounder of Neuromatch, and codirector of the CIFAR Program in Learning in Machines & Brains. Daniel Goldreich is Associate Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour at McMaster University and director of the undergraduate Honours Neuroscience Program.
نمایش ادامه مطلب
مشخصات کلیکتاب Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction
کتاب چاپی

The MIT Press


Daniel Goldreich, Konrad Paul Kording, Wei Ji Ma

سال نشر





چاپ سیاه و سفید


صحافی جلد نـرم

سایز کتاب

سایز رحلی ( 20.5 در 28.5 سانتی متر )

تعداد صفحات



The MIT Press

نظرات کاربرانکتاب Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction

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    نقد و بررسیکتاب Bayesian Models of Perception and Action: An Introduction
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