Asa – Mental Math for Pilots: A Study Guide
Being able to easily perform math calulations in your head is a skill that every pilot strives for. If (like many!) you struggle a bit with this process, or, if you are simply looking for a way to improve your math skills in the cockpit, then ‘Mental Math for Pilots’ is a must read! Whether you are gearing up for that coveted pilot interview, preparing for a checkride or proficiency check, or simply want to improve your inflight calculations performance, author Ron McElroy offers numerous invaluable tips and tricks to help you in all areas of cockpit calculations.
Sharpen your math skills for the interview as well as for the cockpit, with these instructions for figuring math problems in your head without paper or electronic calculator.
Product description
“”[This book] revs up the brainpower to quickly process not only those pesky math questions asked during airline interviews, but expands the mental hard drive to handle a wide range of practical number problems in flight.” –Wayne Phillips, FAA designated Pilot Examiner and captain for United Express
“[This book] revs up the brainpower to quickly process not only those pesky math questions asked during airline interviews, but expands the mental hard drive to handle a wide range of practical number problems in flight.” –Wayne Phillips, FAA designated Pilot Examiner and captain for United Express
For pilots looking to improve their math skills in the cockpit and easily perform math calculations in their heads, this book offers numerous tips and invaluable tricks to help in all areas of cockpit calculations. Pilots are guided through basic and more advanced formulas with explanations on how to perform them without needing paper or electronic calculators, step-by-step instructions, practice exercises, and personal advice from experienced pilots. Easy and quick methods for calculating airborne math problems, enroute descents, and visual descent points are covered. Numerous references, math memorisation tables, lists of formulas, and definitions for terms and abbreviations are provided. This book will be useful for pilots gearing up for airline interviews, preparing for checkrides or proficiency checks, or wanting to improve their in-flight calculations performance.
About the Author
Ronald D. McElroy has been a pilot for over 24 years and is the author of Airline Pilot Technical Interviews and Flashcards. He lives in Castle Rock, Colorado